Microsoft Atrium
Allen Center and EE Building
The Allen Center is a 7-story "L" -- the beige area
in the lower portion of the adjacent image.
It is connected to the Electrical Engineering Building
(the gray area in the upper portion of the image, completed in 1997) by
a "light court" -- the Microsoft Atrium.
The basement consists entirely of laboratories
(including underneath the Atrium).
The first floor includes the Atrium and
administrative and student services space.
The second through sixth floors intermix offices,
laboratories, conference rooms, amenity spaces, and
The sixth floor additionally includes a deck overlooking
Lake Washington.
Microsoft Atrium
The tour begins in the Microsoft Atrium,
a key architectural and amenity feature of the Allen Center.
The slate-covered Atrium floor provides over 5000 square
feet of space.
During the day, the Atrium is a cafe and meeting place for
students and faculty.
It is also designed for dinners, conferences or workshops,
receptions, and other events.
Architecturally, the Atrium connects
the Allen Center and the Electrical Engineering
Building, whose wall forms the north side of the Atrium.
The four skybridges along that north wall
connect the far corners of the L-shaped Allen Center.
Each skybridge also connects in two places into the EE Building.
The open skybridges, the Atrium, the dramatic
cantilevered Grand Stair, the north-side
"breakout" areas, and the open elevator hallways above the east
side of the Atrium all provide opportunities for people to see
each other in the building.
By design, there are few places to hide!
Providing natural light to occupants was a
significant goal of the Allen Center design.
One hundred feet above you is the Atrium skylight, which lets
daylight into the Atrium and into the interior offices whose
windows you see along the south wall of the Atrium.
Daylight is visible even in interior labs through hallway
windows ("re-lights") in both the Atrium-side offices and the
interior labs.
the Computer Science & Engineering
administrative suite -- the Washington Research Foundation
Suite -- through the large portal at the southeast corner
of the Atrium.
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
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